Simple Crypto Trade Automation

whaletail is a chrome extension that gives you control over your next trade.

The app places a trade and interacts with an exchange based on the settings you give it.

Trade programming/automation is done in 3 easy steps, which we will later describe.

Once you have installed whaletail from chrome extensions store you are ready to start.

Go to your cryptocurrency online trading platform/exchange of choice and from the whaletail extension menu select New Trade. A dock will appear from the right side of the web page with the New trade content. If nothing happens, please refresh the exchange page (website), wait a few seconds and select again New Trade from the whaletail menu.

New trade

The New Trade section consists of 3 easy steps as mentioned before.

  • Trade targets selection

  • Trade values selection

  • Trade overview and confirmation

Trade targets selection [STEP 1]

In this step, you will have to select the last price ticker, the price input, the amount input and the buy/sell button.

The last price ticker will let the extension know what is the last price of your desired cryptocurrency (trading pair does not matter) in order for it to take decisions based on your trade’s values (as described in STEP 2).

The price ticker is common for both selling and buying actions, so there’s no confusion here.

The price input should be selected depending on your desired action (buying or selling).

The buying side is usually on the left and the selling side is usually on the right side.

The amount and buy/sell buttons should be selected on the same side the price input was picked, according to your intentions (buying/selling).

Eg. Selling targets selection

Last price ticker

Price input

Amount input

Buy/Sell button

Trade values selection [STEP 2]

In this step, you will have to enter your trade’s label, price, amount/quantity and the trade placement condition.

The label will be displayed in your completed/pending trades list.

Price and quantity are self explanatory.

Trade placement conditions come in a variety of options.

  • your coin’s current price is less than or equal to a price of your choice

  • your coin’s current price is higher than or equal to a price of your choice

  • your coin’s current price has reached a percentage of your choice above a price of your choice

  • your coin’s current price has reached a percentage of your choice below a price of your choice

  • current time matches the hour and minute of your choosing

  • your token’s current price is exactly the price you added in the trade price input

Eg. Trade values selection

Trade confirmation [STEP 3]

This is the final step. You are on the verge of sleeping easily at night.

In this step you only have to confirm that the settings you’ve chosen are correct and you are ready to start the programmed trade.

Trades list

There are two ways of getting into the trades list.

  • After creating a new trade you will be taken to the trades list automatically

  • From the extension’s menu

Items in the trades list have two states: pending and completed.

A trades list item is formed from 3 parts:

  • a check box that toggles the trade’s state between pending and completed (a trade is automatically completed after the extension placed it according to your settings)

  • the trades label

  • and a clear button, that removes the trade

To make the clear button appear you have to hover the trade that you want to remove. Once you click on it the trade is removed.

To edit the settings of a trade you just have to double click the trade’s label from the trade list. You will be taken back to the New trade 3 step process prepopulated with the selected trade settings.

In the trades list footer you have three sections

  • the pending trades counter (show how many pending trades you have)

  • three filter buttons (show all trades [default], show active trades, show completed trades)

  • clear completed button, that remove all completed trades when pushed

How does it work

From the trade targets, whaletail knows how to get the current price, where to fill the trade price, trade amount and what button to press for buying/selling.

From the trade details the app knows what price and amount to fill, when it should be filled and the trade placed.

For the trade to work and be placed, you have to keep the trading platform/exchange page open on your desired coin. It doesn’t have to be focused and you can use any other tab for browsing. It just has to be functional, just as you would use it for a normal manual trade placement. The whaletail dock can be left closed or open, depending on your choice. If you want to use it overnight you will have to leave your pc/laptop open overnight.

When the conditions are met, based on your trade details, the trade will be placed using your trade targets and details if the page is functional and responsive as described above.

This is pretty much all you need to know about whaletail, to be able to program and automate your next trade, sleep easy and be a Whale.

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